In the world today, more specifically the United States, everyday life has now been filled with the competition to be the best. Between who can get the most likes on a social media post, to who can be the best at the sport that they play, to how much money you make at your job. The unfortunate part about this is that this leads people down the wrong paths at times, to cut corners, alter things about them or even cheat. A primary example of this, is performance enhancing drugs in sports. Now although drug use in sports is illegal and severely punished for using, sometimes the incentives are too great for athletes to avoid the usage. Even though the drugs themselves are illegal, due to the competitive atmosphere within the country it can compel individuals to break the rules to give themselves an edge. Between increased performance and the possible rewards, such as awards, medals or monetary, the incentives can be too much for athletes to resist breaking the rules to win or get ahead.


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